Archive Data by Date

Tables with a large amount of data can become unwieldy. As a result, it’s not uncommon to archive data by date into an archive table that contains older rows we care about, but don’t need…

Update Statistics on a Columnstore index failed

SQL Server relies upon good, up-to-date statistics when creating query execution plans. Out-of-date statistics can cause queries to run slowly, or suddenly start consuming far more resources than is typically required. Columnstore statistics are quite…

Missing Stats DMV?

Useful statistics are critical for great performance in SQL Server. So much so, that by default, SQL Server creates statistics for columns it deems worthy without any help or interjection from anyone.1 However, SQL Server…

Log Backup Failures – Danger, Will Robinson!

For databases in Full Recovery Model, log backups should be taken at a frequency that ensures your recovery point objective can be met. So you schedule log backups to occur, setup email notifications so you…

Unreported SQL Server Agent Job Failures

SQL Server Agent provides an easy-to-configure framework for notifying DBAs when jobs fail to run for any reason. Unfortunately, there are circumstances where job failures may not result in SQL Server sending a notification. For…

Language used by the SQL Server binaries

SQL Server binaries come in various languages, such as 日本語 (Japanese), French, and English. It’s pretty easy to determine the language once SQL Server is *running*. A simple query does the trick:

However, if…